Friday 10 February 2012

Tips to avoid Mobile Radiation

Radiation is a process in which energetic waves travels through a medium from one position to another. Radiation occurs when an unstable nuclei of atom decay and release particles. When these particles touches various organic matter such as damage is done. Radiation can cause cancer, burns, and also deaths.

Well according to me today Radiation is more hazardous than smoking.

Mobile are not the only cause of Radiation, but Wi-Fi, laptops, etc also causes Radiation. But the usage of mobile phone has been increased resulting in the increase in Radiation level. Hence it has to be looked urgently.

Radiation not only effect human being but it also effect other living being. Due to the Radiation birds lost their direction when they approached the antenna and start flying in zigzag direction. Earlier radiation was less, but today due to the increase in the use of mobile phones and as most of the individual has mobile phone, every individual act as an source of an Radiation.

The most common effect of Radiation on human being are,
  1. Headache
  2. Hair loss
  3. It damages to WBC (White Blood Cells)
  4. It damages our nerve cells
  5. Lack of concentration
Yet this is not the end there are hundreds of effect. So try to avoid Radiation as possible.

Tips to avoid Radiation
  1. Buy cellphones with low SAR ratings.
  2. Minimise the time you speak on your mobile phone.
  3. Avoid calling when Battery is low or when Signal is weak because at that time our mobile radiates maximum.
  4. Keep your phone as far away from your body.
  5. Keep the phone away while sleeping.
  6. Avoid putting the phone in your left pocket as it is closer to your Heart.
  7. Don't clipped your phone to your belt, as it affect the fertility.
  8. Keep switching the phone to your left and right side of your head while talking.
  9. Pregnant woman should avoid cellphones as it affect the foetus.
  10. Avoid unwanted calls and advertisement.
  11. Use landline connection.
  12. Keep childrens away from the cellphone as they are more susceptible to cell damage.
(This point has been taken from efy magazine)

As i say childrens should be kept away from the cellphones because, they are the one who are using it from their childhood. The study says that if a person body having exposure to cellphone for 10 years may have started to built a tumor in their body.


  1. thanks...i gave those inst. to all my family members...

  2. please explain how a laptop (without wi-fi) causes your next post



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