Sunday, 16 October 2011


Rectifier is a electrical device which is used to convert AC(Alternating current) current source to DC(Direct current) current source.
In this post i will give you some details about rectifier

You can see the picture of an Rectifier, it is one of its kind.

This is the internal diagram of Rectifier about where to connect the Input(AC) and the Output(DC).

But actually every device is made of some parts, Similarly Rectifier is also made up of Diodes.

In the diagram the silver strip on the diode indicate the cathode end of the diode.
Rectifier also has it other name as Bridge Rectifier,etc
So in order to make this Rectifier we need at least 4 Diode (let's take 1n4007).
Now we have to arrange it in a manner shown in the picture.

Above you can see the diode arrange in some manner and there are 2 AC input with 2 DC output.
Now here the whole diagram is nothing but an rectifier.
So there is an suggestion for the readers that don't waste your money buying an Rectifier just make it at home using some undamaged diode from scrap.

If still you don't understand how to connect it i will show you an example,

In this picture our main supply is connected to the Transformer which drop the voltage level and then it is connected to the Rectifier which gives out DC source, (which is pure DC but it has to be converted into pure source by using filters,etc) but still it can be used as a DC source.

1 comment:

  1. excellent example for those who are unsure of where to connect leads on the different models of devices.



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